Fan Tokenlar:87
Piyasa Değeri:$310.551.761
Seyreltilmiş Piyasa Değeri$
24s Hacim:$127.148.569
Club Santos Laguna

Santos - Favourite Experience

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  • Kapalı
  • Açılış: May 23, 2024 - 15:00
  • Kapanış: May 31, 2024 - 06:00
  • chiliz

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Kilitli Token Sayısı:3.293SAN
Attend a press conference

Attend a press conferenceOy:585

Visit the locker room

Visit the locker roomOy:926

Watch the players warmup from the sidelines

Watch the players warmup from the sidelinesOy:875

Walk around the pitch prior to a match

Walk around the pitch prior to a matchOy:907

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