Fan Tokens:87
Capitalisation du marché:$295 390 440
Capitalisation du marché diluée:$1 454 248 217
Volume des dernières 24h$22 170 326

Club Tigres - Goal of the Match vs Santos Laguna

Club Tigres scored three times against Santos Laguna in their last match and now it’s time to choose the Goal of The Match. Vote now!

  • Closed
  • Open: juil. 22, 2024 - 16:00
  • Close: juil. 31, 2024 - 18:00
  • chiliz

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Locked Token Count:2 738TIGRES
0-1 Gignac (61’)

0-1 Gignac (61’)Vote:1 153

0-2 Herrera (87’)

0-2 Herrera (87’)Vote:707

0-3 Nico Ibáñez (93’)

0-3 Nico Ibáñez (93’)Vote:878

See Results